From chisellers jargon to the technical lexiocon of the designers, an endless number of words describes the world of Vaselli and we want to tell you about.


From chisellers jargon to the technical lexiocon of the designers, an endless number of words describes the world of Vaselli and we want to tell you about.

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  • b

  • Bevel
    finishing operation that consist in softening slate’s edges to prevent chips during the implement.
  • Blind thread
    visible only after the sawing.
  • Bush-hammering
    Made with a pyramidal tip hammer called bocciarda. The final result can be a fine ora rough grain, passing through all intermediate levels of finishing. It gives the marble a rough appearance, cancels dissimilarities and variations and makes the marble non-slip.
  • c

  • Calettatura
    It is the union of two elements, shaped so that they can be complementary and make a snape-fit connexion or, more broadly, it can be considered the contour of two or more elements which allow to join them avoiding discontinuities.
  • Chain
    Inclusion of an irregular line walk, made up of a material, whose appearance or structure is contrasting the mass of the stone.
  • Cross cut
    type of cut of the stone block (expecially travertine), orthogonal to the calcareous stratifications of the stone, suitable to highlight the typical chromatic variations.
  • Cunning thread
    Thread of few millimiters length, visible only once the material is wet.
  • d

  • Deburring
    It is obtained through specific scraping brushes, assembled on the polishing line; it gives a pleasant orange-peel texture.
  • f

  • Floor tile
    slate made out of a layer of concrete conglomeration and a superficial layer of concrete mixed with marble grit.
  • g

  • Grit
    building material made-up of stone and marble scraps.
  • l

  • Laquering (wood)
    The lacquering process begins with the sanding of the material to be treated, which is followed by the application of an acrylic primer; subsequently, after an additional sanding operation, it is stretched apossidica the paint to the desired color finish.
  • Lightening
    peculiar work that consist in removing internal parts from the stone block, preserving the appearance and the structural integrity of the product and obtaining a saving of about 80% of weight.
  • m

  • Martellina
    Tool similar to a hammer employed in carpentry and in sculpture.
  • n

  • Nodule
    flint or quartz shaped.
  • o

  • Open spot (stain)
    Disposition of slabs (of a flat surface or a covering) according to which the veinings of the materials chosen are specularly placed, creating suggestive geometric drawings..
  • Orsatura
    stone materials smoothing, obtained through rubbing with a harder stone, called "orso".
  • p

  • Polishing
    treatment that lends the surface gleam and symmetry, fully exalting the natural colour of the stone. It adds also an excellent flatness to the surface making the material more resistant.
  • Putty
    Work done in order to close little cavities or holes on the surface of the material. Depeding on the material, the size of the hole or the effect one aim, it can be done with concrete, masic, transparent resin or stone grit.
  • r

  • Rallatura
    Technique that lend the stone a peculiar scratched effect. It is handmade with a chisel and a compressed air hammer. The finishing can be both horizontal or diagonal, and it is often used for frames, fireplaces, thresholds and stone elements.
  • Recisa-cut
    Way of cutting the stony block (expecially travertine), orthogonally with the calcareous layers, apt to highlight the parallel striping that characterizes that layers.
  • Resin finish
    Application of resin on the back side of the slab, that increase the resistance of the material.
  • Retinatura
    Application of a plastic web on the back side of the slab, previously resin finished, that increases the resistance of the material.
  • Riser
    difference in height between a step and the following one.
  • Rust point
    Little natural spot of iron hydroxide.
  • s

  • Sand down (sanding)
    to scrape and to smooth a surface with sandpaper.
  • Sheet (iron)
    Slab obtained from semi-finished casting products through continuous casting of liquid metal. Thickness, size and type can vary depending on the order in which they are intended.
  • Smoothing
    makes the surface smooth and leveled, giving the material an opaque and lived-in appearance. The colour become softened in tones and almost veiled.
  • Snadblasting
    produced by scratching the surface of the stone with a stream of faint siliceous sand, under pressure, dry or adding water. The treated surface will appear bleached, rough and grainy to the touch and the processing will give the material a rustic, delicate and elegant appearance.
  • Stone block (massello)
    Parallelepipedon stone considerably thick, employed in building for decorative architectural works, floorings and similar. Depending on the location it can be called concio, prisma, macigno, tocco or basolo. On-dit wrought “in (o a) massello”, any natural piece of stone shaped in this way.
  • Subbia
    Steel tool similar to a chisel, with conic or quadrangular pyramidal tip, employed by chiesellers to rough-cut stones, separating rather big flakes.
  • Subbiatura
    Rough-cut of the stone, carried out by the chiseller, by using a tool called subbia..
  • t

  • Tarolo
    Little hole of few millimeters of diamenter present in some marbles.
  • Thread
    crack, often barely visible but of remarkable length, oriented in any direction.
  • Tread
    step’s depth.
  • Trimming
    Handmade work obtained hammering the stony surface with a tip and a mallet. The final result is an evident relief with a chromatic contrast.
  • u

  • Ugnatura
    This is an oblique cut of moulding, made on purpose to do an angular attachment.
  • v

  • Veining
    A complex of signs, usually of different tones, that fork on a surface with a wavy or winding walk.
  • Veneer
    Consists in covering a not fine timber or a panel with a really thin sheet of wood called veneers. If wood, a finer one is used, along the vein or contro-vein or from the briar-root.
  • w

  • wire saw
    Treatment that makes the surface rough, obtained by carving with a diamond-cut, blade or disk-shaped,tool.

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