Three generations of Vaselli dealing with stone means that within the company rules the policy of doing. At Vaselli no one is a specialized labourer but rather an artisan, the primary element of the work phase he is assigned to and who takes part with the others in the realization of the finished product.

Only thus can the passion of each one be passed on to the work of everyone.


“Every cut is a new challenge”


The nature of stone does not allow us to know what there is inside every block: every cut is a new challenge which can only be faced thanks to years of experience, self-sacrifice and personal sensitivity.


The added value resides in the skill of the stone-cutters and finishing experts, loyal keepers of the centuries-old tradition of this land that produces travertine.

Technology provides efficient support whenever the strength of man reaches its limit, guaranteeing a high standard of workmanship and repeatable results.


“Every Vaselli product is different from the others.”

Every Vaselli product is different from the others in terms of size, type of stone, finish and wood used. It has never been possible to think of relying on external suppliers for the production of our components because during the assembly phase every time each component must be adapted to others down to the last millimeter. Assigning our work to a third party would mean losing a view of the whole and losing quality control.

Over the years the choice of carrying out our carpentry work internally for the production of the core structure of furniture and of external finishing elements has rewarded the entire production chain, allowing us to develop unique production techniques capable of rendering the Vaselli product even more exclusive.


“… Every one of our products is 100% Vaselli”.

Vaselli people are stubborn, the culture of stone teaching us to never give up. Thus the most recent challenge has been faced with determination and won: to form internally the metal elements that are at the core of and which are used to realize our creations. Such as the SIDER, kitchen system, the open-view supporting structure of which is made entirely of folded iron sheet. It was unthinkable that such an important and characterizing component be produced externally. Because each one of our products is 100% Vaselli.

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