The information published on this web page conforms to current legislation designed to prevent the spread of Covid-19; this may change from time to time and be subject to alterations and/or integrations. We would therefore ask that you check the following page frequently for potential further updates.
Provisions for Accessing the Arena
In the interests of all participants and in conformity with current Coronavirus and health and safety legislation, we would ask you to please observe the following directions regarding access to the exhibition area.
Green Passes (“Green Covid-19 Certification” with at least one of the following: A certificate of vaccination, even with the first dose only, dated within the previous 14 days; proof of a negative PRC (molecular) or rapid lateral flow (antigen) test during the previous 48 hours; a certificate proving that the bearer has recovered from Covid-19 within the previous 6 months).
As well as the “EU Digital COVID Certificate” issued in countries belonging to the European Union, in the case of visitors from other countries, equivalent certification from Schengen area and other countries (USA, Japan, Canada and Israel) will be valid and therefore self-isolation and health surveillance measures will not be required. Visitors from other countries may enter and remain in Italy for work purposes for up to 120 hours. Further information is available on the Italian Ministry of Health site: Ministero della Salute
Anybody recording a temperature equal or over 37.5°C will be refused entry. Body temperature checks will be in operation on all pedestrian and vehicular access routes.
The wearing of masks is mandatory whilst in the exhibition area.
At least 1 metre social distancing must be observed.
The access will be ruled in order to control visitor numbers and respect maximum visitor capacity.
Hygiene and Sanitisation
Particular attention will be paid to the hygiene and sanitising of all the spaces.
Hand sanitizer dispensers will be available at all entry points, transit hallways and in toilet facilities.
The sanitization of all spaces will be guaranteed along with intensified cleaning and disinfection of all common spaces and frequent contact surfaces (handles, rails, switches etc.).
ARENA (conferences and talks)
The arrangement and number of seats in the arenas will be governed by safety legislation, guaranteeing audience distancing.